Friday, October 14, 2016

Diary Post

Over this week we have been learning a lot of different stuff.....

  • Ballad Poem
  • Started a new book
  • Paper mache

We have been learning a ballad poem. To make a ballad poem you have to have 4 lines in each stanza, ABCB rhyming pattern and structure like a story - introduction,ordered body,conclusion. Its okay to break the rule a bit. Rhyming words can be close- not exact.

For the Paper mache we first got a ball and put it in the plastic bag.
Then we ripped up newspaper and wet it.
Then we stuck the paper on the ball with the plastic bag.
After that we got a pot and put in glue.
We then put glue on the newspaper as well with the plastic bag.
We let it dry and made our smaller planets the next day.

For our new book we are reading Between two Ends. Its about a boy named Yeats, he meets a stranger called Mr Sutcliff. When Yeats and his parents visit his grandmother's creepy old house, Yeats reunites a pair of pirate bookends and uncovers the amazing truth: Years ago, Yeats's father traveled into The Arabian Nights. 

My Ballad

My Reflection:WAL how to write a ballad. A ballad is a rhyming poem that tells a story. It was a bit tricky because we had to rhyme the next words. Next time I will try more of these because it helps me with my writing.